Recently, I met with others who follow the path of shamanism and energy healing to do healing journeys for the earth. As we were exploring where to place our intentions for this month’s healing journey, one of the members reported that the words “earth angels” kept coming to her mind. While she didn’t have any particular concept of what “earth angel” meant, perhaps that might be a source for exploration in our journeys. We agreed to place our intention to journey to earth angels and to seek guidance and information from them.
In my exploration on the concept of earth angels after our journeys, I discovered that the concept of Earth Angels comes from the belief that higher-dimensional spiritual beings incarnate on Earth to help humanity. These enlightened souls are thought to originate from angelic realms, the cosmos, or paradise dimensions. They volunteer to take human form and provide guidance, healing, and light during pivotal times in humanity's evolution.
They are several kinds of earth angels. Earth angels may be lightworkers, beings who have come to Earth with the purpose of spreading unconditional love and raising the vibration of the planet. They feel called to help humanity awaken to higher states of consciousness and their own divine nature. Other earth angels are healers who use their compassionate hearts and natural gifts to restore balance and wholeness in people. They focus on addressing the root causes of imbalance by channeling Source Energy and realigning chakras. Others are guides and mentors who have developed wisdom through many lifetimes of spiritual seeking. They selflessly serve humanity by sharing their experience to empower others to awaken to their truth and life purposes. Some earth angels are starseeds, old souls who originate from other planets, star systems, or realms. They volunteer to reincarnate on Earth and undertake a mission to advance humanity's evolution. Starseeds act as spiritual teachers, sharing truths to awaken consciousness and recall our collective divinity and unity with all life. Environmentalists are earth angels who have a deep spiritual connection to nature and believe that all life on Earth is here for a purpose. As earth angels, they work to protect the planet and restore harmony between humanity and the natural world.[1]
In our journeys, one of the members of the group reported receiving the message that “humanity needs to shed concepts shrouding our understanding of the true nature of the World. We need to adopt a beginner's mind to see afresh in order to understand that everything is connected through the energetic fields. We can assist this process by sending love to counteract and transform dark energies that are trapping us in limiting beliefs.”
Another member received the message, “The earth angels are not just one being, but an energy force that can be experienced in many things - the soil of the earth, the minerals in our food, the gems in the ground. The earth angels can connect with us in our communing with the earth - they emphasize the evolution of nutrients that we get from the earth, how things grow and how there are yet to be discovered nutrients in pockets of the earth.”
They told her that” the earth angels’ voices had been frozen for some time not allowing us to be as connected or to be able to speak on their behalf, but since the earth has started to transform and evolve more of us are able to relay messages from the energy of the earth angels. Like whispers in the wind we weave our webs to transmute the constructs and energies of old clearing the paths to evolve. We will gain the opportunity to put nutrients back in the earth, discover nutrients of the earth and find new ways to commune with her changes. Some changes will take time to get used to whether that is in our digestive systems or the weather.”
The earth angel energy expressed “there are pockets of nutrients and minerals that are yet to be discovered and will allow the earth to rebuild in New York, Florida, Texas, Utah, Kansas and Nevada. The earth will continue to work on clearing itself to bring new vegetation. Listen to the whispers to take part in the earth angels’ work, being guided and witnessing her change, we get to evolve with her.
Another journeyer reported that she started the Journey to the lower world and found herself completely in the ground, face down, with her arms stretched to the side, in the womb of Mother Earth. She said, “I could not feel my body parts but felt the coolness of the moist, dark, rich soil. It felt ‘home’. She said, ‘most people are afraid of me. Most people never want to touch me, never want to feel me. They think they have to choose between me and their comfort. But you do not need to sacrifice anything for me. You (as people) are not separate from me. You do not need to sacrifice anything for me. You have to awaken to the sacredness within me.’ Her gentle, powerful, all loving voice brought me to tears. I was inside a talking, all-loving, dark, rich, moist womb. ‘How can we awaken to this sacredness?’ I asked. ‘You have to create ceremonies that connect us’ and I saw images of what looked like a ceremony around the sacredness of water, the awareness that the water within each one of us comes from the top of the mountains, washes upon and over lands and carries with it the energy of all the plants, rocks, animals, winds. ‘It is now part of me and you.’ A man was leading such a ceremony holding a glass bowl filled with water and he was brimming with joy.
I asked for something that I could take back to help with this. She (still formless) gave me something, a book or a card with the title ‘The Earth Within Me’ and said ‘create ceremonies of sacredness, see the Earth inside of you.’”
I journeyed with the intention to meet the Earth Angels. I see a luminous energy field surrounding the earth. As I approach it, I discover that it is multitudes of angels that are the very fabric of the earth. They tell me that they are tending, creating, holding and serving the earth in many ways. They are in fact the very fabric and vibration of the earth. I then see an opening. It appears quite ugly like a tear in the earth. At first, I am concerned, fearing that it is some serious damage when I am instructed to descend down this opening. I realize this is the path into the belly of the earth, like the earth’s esophagus. I descend and come upon a council of grandmothers who are weaving together tapestries. I inquire as to what they are doing, and they tell me, “are weaving together the new earth and its continuing evolution in its current transition. We are doing the work of earth angels.” They tell me that we are all called to assist the earth angels. They inform me that just as they are weaving together the soul of the earth, we are to do the same. We are to weave together our own souls by healing them, bringing them into harmony and balance with the new earth that is emerging. They also inform me that the earth also affects us. As she shifts in her vibration, in her soul’s own evolution and growth, many of us will be called to shift. As she goes through her natural cycles, those cycles affect us. Our soul work affects her evolution, and her soul work affects our evolution because we are all one. They say, “as we come into harmony and balance so goes the earth and as the earth goes through the natural cycles of her coming into balance and harmony, so goes the condition of our souls. We are one. We are made of earth. We are co-creating the new world.”
To entertain the idea of earth angels and the acceptance of these experiences requires a shift in how we think about the world and our place in it. Tom Cheetham, in his book, Green Man, Earth Angel, explores the central role of imagination for understanding the place of humans in the cosmos. Cheetham suggests that lives can only be completely whole if human beings come to recognize that the human and natural worlds are part of a vast living network and that the material and spiritual worlds are deeply interconnected. Central to this reimagining is an examination of the place of language in human life and art and in the worldview that the prophetic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—presuppose. If human language is experienced only as a subset of a vastly more-than-human whole, then it is not only humans who speak, but also God and the world with all its creatures. If humans’ internal poetry and creative imaginations are part of a greater conversation, then language can have the vital power to transform the human soul, and the soul of the world itself. Here we step into the imaginal realm of the heart where we can begin to re-imagine a world in which we are freed to reclaim our role as a part of the anima mundi, as one with nature and the more-than-human, the spirit-filled. The imaginal world is not imaginary or unreal. While the imaginary is the product of personal fantasy and is therefore subjective, the imaginal, on the other hand, gives us access to a transpersonal content that sees the divine in the world with all its creatures.[2]
The question for us to ponder is as we reflect on the messages from earth and the earth angels from the imaginal realm of the heart, how do those messages change our perceptions so that we re-imagine a world where we are free to reclaim our role as part of the anima mundi and as co-creator of the world that is emerging?
[2] Cheetham, Tom. Green Man, Earth Angel.
Here is a guided journey to meet an Earth Angel and to inquire as to how you might serve the earth.
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