Jul 31Liked by Psychotherapist and the Shaman

Thank you so much for the resources and the detailed explanation!

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Jul 5Liked by Psychotherapist and the Shaman

Really enjoyed this read! Definitely had a 'spiritual awakening' upon moving through some projected wetiko energy and shadow projection completed with entity intake - made myself a VERY powerful lesson, which crashed into a very sick month with symptoms of 'scarlet fever'... like my own created ayahuasca retreat.

Coming out the other side of this, and working through my root programs and archetypal landing places, I feel like I have become more aware of what dimensional plane I've been on, and the reasons behind why I was unable to communicate with many people on a different plane... so I wonder if this too is part of the boiling frog paradigm.

What I also know is beginning is the ability to find each other, those who are traveling on similar dimensional realities. It's happening regularly now.

Thank you for your post!

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Thank you for your comment and for sharing your story. Safe journeying.

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Hi Sheldon,

This may be a stupid question. What is “LEF” and why does energy get stuck there?

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Steve, Thanks for the question. The LEF referes to the Luminous Energy Field which, according to the Q'ero/Andean traditions, is the energy body that surrounds the physical body. The teaching is that the LEF contains an archive of all our personal and ancestral memories, including our traumas. Just like our genes carry the genetics of our families and ancestors, the energy body contains the energy imprints of these experiences. These experiences become imprints in the energy field like dormant computer programs that when activated can compel us toward behaviors, relationships accidents and illnesses that mirror the initial woundings.

Just like when we have a healthy immune system, our body is better able to ward off disease, when our energy body is healthy, the imprints are less likely to get stuck in the LEF. Thus the importance of clearing and maintaining a healthy energy body. The imprints contain information of the events which informs the chakras, which then organize our physical and emotional world. This information in the imprints organizes the LEF which later organizes matter. the energy of an unresolved trauma can clog the chakras with "sludge"--the energy of the event. I also think of it like a river that can get clogged with debris. When debris gets thrown into a river, the debris can get hung up and build up and block the water from flowing freely. We have to clear the river of the debris so the water can flow. The Q'ero call energy work as "cleaning up our rivers." I think of the energy body the same way. The chakras can get blocked with unresolved trauma, family stories and patterns--literally everything that has ever happened to us has the potential to be held in the Luminous Energy Field. Then the chakras can't function in healthy ways. The chakras are believed to affect our physical and emotional health. If you want to explore further here are a couple of books that can be very helpful.



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Steve, I noticed the that above link to shaman healer sage didn't work. Try this one


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