Aug 9Liked by Psychotherapist and the Shaman

So often the dark is unconscious

and it perpetuated by the stories which surround it. As we begin to change the narrative the energies become lighter

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Well said!

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Really good….thank you

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As I study and meditate on the difference between the “light” and “ dark” energies, would the light be what we call God or Great Spirit? And would the dark heavy energies emerge for us to bring the illumination of light to it?

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According to Andean shamanism, the task of the shaman is to turn the dark, heavy, disorganized energies (hucha) into light organized energy. If we view that in the Christian tradition, God breathed his life into Adam and Adam became a living soul. All things that God created are made of that light or energy or what the Andeans calls "sami." I think of the light, ordered energy as the divine energy in all matter. In the Bible, Jesus says, "I am the light of the world" in John 8:12. In answer to your question. Yesl, we are to bring turn dark energies into light. That is the task of the "lightworkers." Carl Jung said that we don't become enlightened by focusing on images of light but by making darkness conscious, i.e., bringing light to it.

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Oh, that is sooo good! Thank you!

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