Jun 3Liked by Psychotherapist and the Shaman

I found the painting very impactful. It is interesting that 3 owls are represented. With a little searching I found this about the different owls (if I identified them correctly):

Snowy Owl Vision

When you have a Snowy Owl dream, like the Angelfish, it is a reminder that you are never alone and that many Guides and Angels always surround you. If this Owl speaks to you, it is a direct message from them. Do not worry if you cannot hear them or understand them. The message is clear for your soul. Alternatively, the appearance of this raptor in your vision symbolizes the need for clear intention. Thus you must evaluate your goals and revise your direction as needed.

Screech Owl Vision

When the Screech Owl announces itself in your vision, it is a message that you must listen – and read between the lines. Whatever people present to you, it is just a fraction of the truth. Thus you must make sure that you have the whole picture.

Sometimes this Owl appears in your vision when you do not perceive things correctly. In other words, look at things from several different perspectives until you find the right one.

Barred Owl Vision

If you have a Barred Owl dream, it indicates that you are about to embark on a new phase or direction with your purpose in life. Thus you must take the time to explore the opportunities out there and choose one on which to focus.

source (https://www.spirit-animals.com/)

There are many entities grabbing for our attention today, professing that they have discovered a secrete which they wish to share for the betterment of humankind. My synthesis of the messages from owl is that we are to listen to our heart center as the ultimate truth keeper. I very much appreciate your style, Sheldon, where you are a transimitter of knowledge intended for humanity, yet are careful to allow the reader to form their own conclusions in their own way without projecting your own internal biases into the messages. This is a rare attribute these days and I hope that more people understand the extreme value in having you as a medium. Thank you.

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Thank you Brian for the additional information on the owls. May the owls speak.

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Jun 15Liked by Psychotherapist and the Shaman

I needed some guidance this morning on a work project so I journeyed to the 5th world.

I must mention upon waking, I often picture in my minds eye being at the feet of the Christ figure somehow. A picture came to me about Christ wanting to wash my feet.

As I journeyed I met two souls friends of mine who have passed. One read a very long dream of hers to me before she died. The other soul friend could not speak before he died but during my last visit with him I remember I placed the back of my hand across his face and stroking his cheek as he closed his eyes I watched him enjoying my touch.

During my journey somehow both of my hands came up to my face and I noticed they began stroking my cheeks with my palms also turned outward just like mine were during this friends time of his death.

It took me a few minutes before I noticed the correlation.

I felt as if Great Spirit was once again reminding me of the most important message of this great love which is always with us guiding our steps….the words, writing and speaking were what was offered to me but remember ing how every word will stem from the loving touch of Spirit.

Thank you Sheldon for the guided journey.

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"Great Spirit was once again reminding me of the most important message of this great love which is always with us guiding our steps." What a wonderful message.

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